2016 Anti-Trafficking Prayer Resources Available Online
23 May 2016
Resources for the International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human-Trafficking 2016 are now available
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle Lead Spirit-Filled Pentecost Meetings
20 May 2016
The work of the Holy Spirit was evident throughout Pentecost weekend meetings led by the Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle in Nottingham
Salvationists Join 20,000 Delegates at UN in New York to Address Inequalities Experienced by Women and Girls
01 April 2016
20 Salvation Army representatives took part in the 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women which was held at the United Nations in New York
Chief of the Staff Brings Easter Message of ‘Living Hope’ to Eastern England
29 March 2016
Meaningful worship, celebration and positive community witness were the highlights of Easter meetings in Norwich led by the Chief of the Staff
Blessings Abound at Boscombe Easter Convention led by General André Cox
29 March 2016
General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox spent the Easter weekend with hundreds of worshippers on the south coast of England
Church leaders reflect on ‘Sea of Colour’ during Holy Week visit to International Headquarters
24 March 2016
Faith leaders were beginning a pilgrimage to a number of the Stations of the Cross, a London-wide initiative
Scriptural Reasoning Event at International Headquarters Increases Inter-faith Understanding
18 March 2016
An inter-faith event at IHQ brought together Christians, Jews, Muslims and others to consider how the three faiths approach refugees
International Day of Prayer Puts Children and Young People 'Right at the Heart' of The Salvation Army
11 March 2016
The theme for The Salvation Army's 2016 International Day of Prayer for Children is 'Right at the Heart'.
News Feature: Lenten Artwork Under Construction at International Headquarters
21 January 2016
Artist and lecturer Güler Ates is working on a new composition which is being created for a London-wide art project that will take place throughout Lent
Not-so-small Group Discussion Heralds Start of 'One Army Live'
15 January 2016
300+ people took part in One Army Live, using written and video material to learn what The Salvation Army is, does and believes
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