‘Count Me In’ Convention Celebrates Success and Closer Integration
16 October 2014
5,000+ people attended the first-ever ‘Count Me In’ convention, celebrating the adult rehabilitation centre programme in the USA Western Territory
Symposium Concludes with Prayer and Fellowship (2014 International Theology and Ethics Symposium, Report 2)
15 October 2014
Delegates share sacred moments of consecration at the conclusion of the international symposium
News Feature: Boundless 2015 – A Beginner's Guide!
13 October 2014
Essential information about The Salvation Army's 150th anniversary international congress
Delegates Meet for ‘More than an Academic Exercise’ (2014 International Theology and Ethics Symposium, Report 1)
10 October 2014
After months of anticipation, 42 officer and soldier delegates from 34 territories around the Salvation Army world gathered at Sunbury Court
Fourth International Theology and Ethics Symposium Convenes in United Kingdom
06 October 2014
47 Salvationists from around the world are meeting this week in the UK for the fourth International Theology and Ethics Symposium
Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Nancy Roberts Feel at Home during Celebrations in South America East Territory
01 October 2014
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Nancy Roberts were warmly welcomed back to Argentina for the installation of new territorial leaders
The Salvation Army International Headquarters Showcased during Open House London 2014
23 September 2014
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Nancy Roberts welcomed hundreds of visitors to IHQ on Saturday 20 September
Hello₂ to the Boundless Volunteers
28 August 2014
8 international volunteers joined the Boundless Congress team at IHQ in August and are already getting to grips with the scale of the task ahead of them
News Feature: International Headquarters Reveals a Packed Programme for Open House London 2014
22 August 2014
Interactivity and information are keywords of Open House London 2014 events at The Salvation Army's International Headquarters on 20 September
Commonwealth Games Provides The Salvation Army in Scotland with Opportunities for Ministry
24 July 2014
The Salvation Army in Scotland will be playing a major role, staging a range of initiatives to enable visitors and locals to make the most of the event.
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