One-Month Countdown Begins for Whole World Mobilising Celebration
08 September 2017
General André Cox is inviting the worldwide Salvation Army to join together for the Whole World Mobilising Celebration on Sunday 8 October 2017
News Feature: 2017 Homeless World Cup kicks off
02 September 2017
The centre of Oslo came to a standstill as the opening parade of the 2017 Homeless World Cup, hosted by The Salvation Army, took place
News Feature: International Headquarters Prepares for Open House London 2017
25 August 2017
International Headquarters to fling open its doors to the public on Saturday 16 September 2017 as part of Open House London
The Salvation Army Hosts Homeless World Cup 2017
24 August 2017
With 500+ players representing more than 50 countries, this will be the biggest and most ambitious Homeless World Cup tournament yet
The General Highlights Hope During Film Launch at International Headquarters
03 August 2017
The General spoke at the launch of 'Together – A Journey of Neighbourhood Conversations', a new film and photographic exhibition
Chief of the Staff Leads Forward-Looking Anniversary Meetings at Morriston, UK
15 June 2017
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle led 130th anniversary meetings at Morriston Corps in Wales
News Feature: Historic Salvation Army Strawberry Field Gates go on Public Display
01 June 2017
The fabled red gates of Strawberry Field have gone on display for the first time since 2011, ahead of a major Salvation Army redevelopment of the site
The Salvation Army Joins Churches Worldwide to Pray for an End to Famine
09 May 2017
The Salvation Army is engaged in practical responses and is calling on Salvationists to support a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle Celebrate 35 Years of Education Excellence at Booth University College, Canada
04 May 2017
The Chief took part in the Booth University College convocation ceremony and renamed the main campus building after Commissioners John and Helen Waldron
The General Celebrates Centenary of Service in India Eastern Territory
04 May 2017
The General and Commissioner Silvia Cox lead centenary celebrations in Mizoram, India
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