08 February 2017

‘KINGDOM Building’ – a new animated short to promote The Whole World Mobilising – is available to view and download now. The film, which portrays various forms of Salvation Army ministry in the medium of LEGO®, encourages children and young people to participate in the Mobilise: Go Children and Youth weekend of 24-26 March 2017.  

Coinciding with The Salvation Army’s annual International Day of Prayer for Children on the Sunday, the weekend is intended to recognise and develop the role of children and young people in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission.  

General André Cox, who will be in Reykjavík, Iceland, for the weekend, hopes that as many Salvation Army corps (churches), youth groups and children’s clubs will get involved as possible, and that young people-led mission activities will be widely supported. ‘This is an excellent opportunity to share the gospel and serve our communities in new and exciting ways’, he said. ‘I have often shared my dream, before taking up my role as General, which emphasises the importance of “an Army that values its youth where our young people feel that they have a voice”. Friends, this is the day. This is the hour. Our young people are already mobilising in a mighty way for God! I emphasise Paul's challenge to Timothy: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12, New International Version).’  

InfographicAn infographic available in the engaging ‘Reach’ section of the Whole World Mobilising website (at http://sar.my/gomocyinfographic) gives a number of imaginative ideas, tips and challenges for young people wanting to participate. Picking up the LEGO® theme of the video, suggestions include inviting other young people to play with construction toys, watch a movie together or simply share some food so that relationships can be developed and meaningful conversations are able to take place.  

Ester Ellen Nelson (Project Manager, The Whole World Mobilising) explains: ‘The important thing is, as General William Booth said, to “do something”. It doesn’t matter what kind of resources are available locally. Children and young people have a natural ability to make friends with their peers in a far less self-conscious way than many adults! When you're “doing”, you are mobilising!’  

Corps, groups and individuals mobilising in mission during the 24-26 March weekend are encouraged to take part in a virtual prayer meeting on the Friday, and then to share videos, photos and text updates of their activities. Corps are urged to involve their young people in planning and leading Sunday meetings.  

A live, interactive blog will act as the hub of the action around the world throughout the weekend. Participants are encouraged to use the hashtag #GoMoCY across social media, and are reminded to take care to adhere to all Salvation Army child protection policies, local legislation and guidance.  

‘Kingdom Building’ has been produced for IHQ Communications by Welsh Salvationist Ashley Weaver, who also created the popular ‘Brick Congress’ film – a representation of The Salvation Army’s 150th anniversary international congress using stop-motion animation of LEGO® minifigures. The soundtrack, appropriately, is ‘Go’, written and performed by Marty Mikles, Phil Laeger, Bernie Dake and Trey Roth from TransMission, USA Southern Territory.  

IHQ Communications
International Headquarters  

Note to editors

In encouraging the collation of good, respectful images to display and post online, territories are encouraged to remind all concerned that in the taking of photos or shooting of film involving children and youth, all due care and diligence is taken not to unintentionally produce an image which is inappropriate or insensitive. As far as is possible, the signed consent of parent or guardian should be sought; if for practical reasons this is not possible, the informed consent of the child and parent/guardian should be obtained by and documented by photographers. All territorial safeguarding policies and national legal requirements regarding the photographing of children and young people should naturally be observed.

Tags: South Pacific and East Asia, Africa, Europe, Prayer, Americas and Caribbean, South Asia, Events, The General, News